Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Today sucks...but its STILL a good day:)

Yeah...I got nothin' today. But if I actually had that prozac milkshake, I would chase it with some Mad Dog and some of those clove cigs we used to smoke in high school. Its been a day and its not even noon.

I have a friend who is ALWAYS up at 5am ready to face the world with her hair in a perfect "do", make up just "so", posting all over every social networking site about how wonderful every aspect of her life is. And I want to kill her slowly on days like this. Today has sucked so far. My kids have sucked today so far. My house is a fricken mess. My dog has yet to puke...but she has rolled in either her own crap or some other dog's crap. So she stinks like you cannot imagine. My husband is home...so for that I am indescribably happy. However...he had to go downtown for a conference where there are scads of gorgeous career women prancing around in their gorgeous career stilettos. Trollops.

I do have a point my friends. And it is this: It is perfectly acceptable to have a day where everything isn't just fine and dandy. As wives, mothers and all around wonderful women...it is OK to admit PUBLICLY that our day isn't running smoothly or that....GASP!!!...we aren't feeling sticky sweet!

All too often I see my friends make excuses and apologize ad naseum for not being on top of their game. It happens. Its called life. Its not always pretty. It doesn't always smell good. Sometimes all three females PMS at the same time. Sometimes the dog rolls in crap.

So I will do three things today...watch Steel Magnolias...(because I anticipate needing a good cry)...drink some wine...(because i always toast M'Lynn's graveside speech)...and wash my dog...(because she truly smells like shit)

Because after all...not so awesome days are still very authentic:)

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