Thursday, February 2, 2012

                     Simplifying My Life. and other small miracles......

So this week marks the beginning of me TRYING to take all of my pictures, notes and other things of importance off of FB and onto my computer. It is just shy of 10am and I am already on my 4th cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee...I bought the big obnoxious box of it this morning. As I look at the 100 tons of virtual stuff I have to do...SOMETHING...with...I am reminded of why I am doing this. My soul...the very core of screaming for simplicity. Even saying that word makes me feel more centered....SIMPLICITY...sounds wonderful huh? I'm diggin' this y'all.

A friend of mine recently wrote about my quest for a more simple life in the AJC. Theresa Walsh Giarrusso....check her Momania blog out stuff. Even she is a little stumped, I think, as to my yearning for this kind of change. And while I don't want to jump in my Delorean and scoot back to 1988...I do crave a time when everything wasn't so...available.

We don't have to work for anything anymore.Where's the adventure in life? Shopping used to be fun! You knew what you wanted, but it was a treasure hunt of sorts to find it. Now we just go to a website and order it. Phone calls used to be something we looked forward to. Remember stretching the phone cord until it nearly snaps, pulling it into the bathroom, talking in hushed tones, desperate to say what you needed to say because of the very real fear of mom or dad grabbing the other line and announcing time was up? Getting up to PHYSICALLY change the channel or volume....making mixed tapes! maybe I do want the 80's back. But is that such a horrible thing? I want that authenticity back.....the kind of authentic life that just kind of happened naturally. I understand that times change and technology evolves and people either make the leap or get left behind. I get it. I really do. But while the world is busy becoming more automated and autonomous...what are WE doing? We are losing our sense of wonder. Our sense of amazement at everyday life is becoming diluted and almost an after thought....we are only reminded to reflect on the miracle of a moment because our iphones and ipads hold the memory. But our MEMORY should hold that memory. Our hearts should be engaged and present.

Perhaps that is the crux of my pickle. I have put myself on trial and found myself guilty of the most heinous crime.....forgetting to live in the moment. I am not one of those girls who dreads getting older. I have an amazing husband and family with whom to turn gray and decrepit. My true fear in this NOT LIVING IT. I don't want my children to forge anymore memories like "Hey mom, remember that time I started dancing to Boyz II Men and you recorded the whole thing and put it on Faceboook?" Instead I want to hear..."Hey mom, remember that time I started dancing to Boyz II Men and you danced with me?" That, my friends, is the entire point.

So as I strive to make my life less in a heart felt attempt to make it more...and still keep my inner voice relevant a la this blog...I invite you to try to do the same. Small...itsy bitsy baby steps...that's the way to start. What can you eliminate from your everyday life that is very slowly sucking the preciousness out of it? For me, its "Disliking" FB. The only people that need to know what I am doing every single second...and what part of town I am doing it in...are the people in my own home. Because at the end of the day...only five people truly matter...Jesse, Kate, Emmy Jean, Jax....and MOI:)

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