Thursday, March 15, 2012

Even at 38, lessons must be learned. Damnit.

   Its been just a little bit since I have had the time to write. I have missed it ever so. During the last couple of weeks I have celebrated a 38th thank you very much...I have reconnected with a certain member of my family that I love oh so very much (with whom I share a history so deep and profound that to allow "life" to get in our way again would be damn near criminal:)...and I have have realized yet again that while my husband may be a man of few words, he certainly has the uncanny ability to draw a line through all my junk and leave me with an authentic and true outline of what is important in my life.

   I also learned another that I have known since puberty but apparently life thought it necessary to lob at me once more...just for good measure. WOMEN ARE MEAN! Seriously...its as if some truly never out grow their middle school mentalities and just keep driving the beeotch truck right through their lives and everyone else's. I have so little understanding of this kind of woman...the ones that have to cut you down to make themselves feel better...the ones that look at you as though you are the hired help...the ones who dance around insults because they lack the balls to just say what they want to say...the ones who can afford the therapy they so desperately need, but for whatever reason, never seek. But while I have trouble understanding them, I do have pity on them. Because I fear they will never experience lasting female companionship and all the awesomeness that comes along with uplifting and supporting one another. I suppose its that pity...or even compassion if you will...that prevents me from responding to their venomous attacks in kind. I like to think I am gifted in the way of answering their acerbic calls with a softer, sweeter tasting, retort.

  And this brings me to my next point: Ladies...when a friend has a differing logic, an alternate delivery, or simply a situational awareness unlike your own...listen. Do not attack and make the other feel as if their opinion is unimportant or stupid. Or even worse...wrong. As women...and especially women who have daughters, like me...we must always practice acceptance. Not only of the individual, but of their unique opinions as well. I hope I am teaching my daughters that there will always be multiple ways of responding to and handling issues that arise with friends and acquaintances. It can't always be about how WE feel. I truly pray I am giving my girls the tools to recognize that when something starts to become too much about them...prayerful consideration is required to insure that their words don't cause more harm than good.

   Because in the end...its not just the bullies we need to look out for. Sometimes, the person in the mirror or the ones we love and call friend or sister, can be the mean woman.

   I sincerely pray that my girls will always cling to Matthew 5:39 and have the presence of mind to turn the other cheek and choose their words carefully. And when their humanness fails them...I pray they say two very small but very powerful words. "I'm sorry". Because when they aren't said, hurt and resentment can build. Which totally defeats the purpose of living an authentic life. Lord...let my babies learn this lesson early. Amen.




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