Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Floors and plays...plays and floors...

      I gotta give it up to the blue collar workers more often. These fellas...and gals...have a fairly thankless job. I am speaking mainly of your plumbers, flooring specialists, painters or roofers. They walk into peoples' homes...usually in the midst a hot mess...and restore said abode to its previous splendor. And they do it in whatever weather...cold or hot...the good Lord decides to provide.

   The gentlemen that saved our house from itself...this time around...have far and away out-shined the ones we had previously. The ones from two years ago were C.R.E.E.P.Y. This latest batch of callused contractors were...for the most part...very  nice folk. They smelled bad. But that isn't due to a break up with hygiene. Its because they quite literally work in conditions that the average prissy MOI...would only do if it stood between her children and a meal or if a gun was held squarely against my sassy little head. Mud-caked boots and dirty fingernails isn't something...thank GOD...I have ever had to endure. And I have been immeasurably humbled over the last month for that fine blue-collar worker who sees those boots and fingernails as a blessing rather than a burden. Shame on me. Just shame on me.

   However second floor has bathroom flooring. Again. And the carpet has been replaced by a delightfully mocha hued high-pile that is nothing short of heaven under foot. Not gonna and all three kids laid in the floor for a good half hour. So fabulous!

   So a big huge Laver THANK YOU to all those men who were a part of our home's decor over the last month. You have lessened the stress level within these walls and have restored a tradition long since abandoned...playing in the floor with my kids. Thank for that. Seriously... brag over my sweet multi-talented Kate!!! She just RAVE reviews I might add...her very first high school theater production! She was "Velma" in West Side Story! She was beyond amazing! I think I was perhaps the only parent who attended all four nights it showed. Watching her up her newest element...was surreal. Three months of DAILY rehearsals. Three months of lost sleep. Three months of coming home to a warmed up dinner because she was at school until girl is dedicated:) And she did all of this while living in a house whose floors were pulled up...she did all this while having to share a bathroom with 4 other people...she did all this while living with a mom who whose house-related-stress-levels were SKY FREAKIN HIGH! Come to think of it...this play was likely just the distraction she needed;)Regardless...she was phenomenal. I am so proud of her!

   Thank you Lord for all the little...and in-my-face...ways you show your love, support and devotion to this family. You quite simply...ROCK.

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